About Kasey Grier

I’m the author (under my full name, Katherine C. Grier) of Pets in America: A History.  As I gathered research for my book, I started to collect documents, photographs and artifacts associated with pet keeping in the United States during the 1800s and 1900s.  I gathered so much interesting stuff that I eventually decided to share my collection by creating a blog.  Along with items about the history of pet keeping, seen through the lens of my collection, I’ll also share stories about my own pets, my behavior as a pet owner, and the changing experience of pet ownership in the 21st century.


  1. Kasey, do you mind if I use the photo of the turtle dish from Woolworth’s with a story I’m publishing tomorrow in The Citizen of Laconia? (New Hampshire newspaper). We have a story of a 46-year-old Woolworth’s turtle, which I think you would enjoy. It’s already on our website: http://thecitizen.villagesoup.com/p/shell-shock-diane-the-turtle-celebrates-46th-birthday/1278075?cid=1793645. If I don’t hear from you in time, I’ll at least credit your site.

    • Hi Ginger — Yes, you may use the picture. If you’ll credit the blog, that would be great. Hooray for Diane! I will link to your story, too.

  2. Hi Kasey,

    Your blog is a very good resource, thanks for sharing. I’d like to learn more about animal control strategies in the US. We are neutering, vaccinating and releasing our stray animals. However, lots of people say that there are no strays in the US or Europe, they are killing them, so let’s kill them, TNR is useless. What are the history of animal control activities and changes in animal welfare policies in the US or Europe? I’d be happy to learn about it.

    • Hi — my apologies for taking so long to get back to you. There is no comprehensive history of animal control, and I have begun collecting information on it. I can tell you about the 19th century, when animal control consisted mainly of killing, but I still can’t speak to the evolution of modern thinking about sheltering and animal control. I suggest that you contact Andrew Rowan at the Humane Society of the United States. He can offer an international perspective. I do know that the discussion of feral cats was quite open in the early 20th century, but then it disappeared from public discourse for decades.

  3. Have you ever thought about posting anything on the keeping of primates as pets? Now I know this is an unethical thing and I am in no way advocating it, but at one time it was fairly common.My mother remembers a pet store in her neighborhood in Jacksonville,Fl that was stocked with monkeys when she was a little girl

    • Great idea! I have some material on this subject and will work up a post. Yes, I remember monkeys at my local pet store, too — I am sorry to say. Thanks for the suggestion, Tom!

  4. Hi Kasey, I’m doing some research for a TV program and would really like to speak with you if possible as I’m doing some research into Victorian dog-ownership / training. Is there an email address I can get in touch with?

    Thank you very much!


    • Thank you for this! I am getting ready to redesign and relaunch the blog after some time off, and I look forward to adding this link!

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